Food imports refer to the movement of products into Gibraltar from other countries. Most commonly they come from UK & Spain but also from other EU countries and some from even further.
Checks/controls are carried out on all foods (including drinks) entering Gibraltar to ensure they meet the same high requirements as foods entering UK. Controls carried out on food and food contact materials imports include:
- Documentary checks
- Identity checks, and
- Physical checks/inspections
Some foods are considered to pose a higher risk to public health, or the environment in terms of diseases, pests, or contaminants. Additional requirements are in place for these foods to control such risks.
The requirements include:
- Additional documentation
- Prior notification before arrival of the food into Gibraltar
- All commercial imports of foods must enter Gibraltar through the control post located located by the East commercial gate at British Lines Road
Importing food to Gibraltar through our Eastgate office does not exempt you from any further documentation HM Customs may require.
Relevant forms can be found below, or contact our dedicated Food Imports Department.
Want to find out more?
Contact our Dedicated Food Imports Department via E-mail or Telephone:
(+350) 200 48268
Apply Online or Download our Forms
Application to Import Licence of Water or Milk
Application to Import Meat & Meat Products